tisdag 28 april 2009

Insemination for lesbians is not on same terms as heterosexuals

Suzanne Wikström writes on QX.se about insemination for lesbians in Sweden.

Apparently insemination is on different terms if you're a lesbian couple as opposed to a heterosexual couple. As a lesbian couple you have to pay more or you don't get offered as many tries.

In Östergötland a lesbian couple is offered two tries at 3,000 SEK a pop. A heterosexual couple only pay 250 SEK a pop and there is no limitation to how many times they can try it.

Lesbian couples in Västernorrland, Västerbotten and Jämtland first have to pay out of pocket for three attempts at a private practice - about 8,000 SEK a pop. If those fail, then they can get help from our socialized medical programs with IVF.

These rules and regulations that the government has in place for who gets what kind of treatments based on sexuality is nothing but discrimination. The rules are made by heterosexuals in a heteronormative society. What about the people who don't fit into that mold? We have to be richer and more patient than the heterosexual couple next door?


2 kommentarer:

  1. Och hittills har jag bara hunnit irritera mig på att det är olika förutsättningar beroende på var i landet man bor....
